Did my first triangle! BR 1 - Rosemary's Window. I think this is one of the easier ones. I have started two others, too, but they are monsters to get straight!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Beyond silver
A 5 - Cathi's Campfire. I wish I knew the naming process of these blocks....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Silver Award!

J 4 - Adelaine's Apron Strings.
Here are all the first 25th in order of completion. I hung them on my design wall, which is not quite straight. The blocks are straight, though! And there is actually a colour plan in all this. Time will show:)

The rest of today's blocks are:

A 4 - Courtney's Stethoscope. Not quite straight in the middle, but what the heck. It is almost impossible with these small blocks. It is better to finish than perfect. The mantra still holds:)
And now the blog won't let me add more pictures for today. I will continue tomorrow.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
More babies
New day, new baby steps... if I can get them downloaded to the blog. (it only took half the night!)

K8- Sprinbook Park

I8 - Pete's Paintbox
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Babysteps to happiness
A8 - Florence Nightingale. One of the simpler one, thank goodness!

L3 - Reflections abound. After I finished it, I saw the flower I had managed to connect in the lower right corner:)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fun houses
I love looking at old houses:) Returning back from Sweden I saw these two houses.
There are several of these ones around the area I visited.

I think they are what we in Norway call dirt cellars, originally used as old 'refrigerators'. Since the building is buried in the ground it keeps the interior cool. Perfect for storage.
I am also fascinated by this one.
No idea what it was originally used for, but it looks like a perfect miniature of a grand building, like a official building in a big city:)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Zhe mooon, zhe moon!
We were a little late walking the dogs today, it was getting dark as we went down to the lake.
Getting down to the lake, we saw....
...zhe moon, zhe moon! I can feel my teeffh lengthening. Good thing they brought me in and served me dinner:)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Nordic light
I am visiting family in Sweden, just by one of the largest lakes, Vänern. It is grey and rainy, but the light is just magnificent!There are times I wish I could paint:) I try to teach myself to see beauty in the cloudy, rainy days, too. Instead of being overwhelmed by the lack of bright colour, to try and see the colours in the grey. Sometimes it works:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Straightening things out

Monday, November 3, 2008
Icecold and sunny
I went by one of the golf courses on Sunday, took a stroll through the course and found this beautiful water feature dressed in ice and snow. It was beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.

Christmas update