I am in the middle of knitting christmas gifts. I am knitting something for the third time, but this time it completely eludes me!!! After a while you just have to admit defeat, as annoying it is, and start over again. This time - smaller needles. Starting all over again - such annoyance. Sigh. Oh well!

In the middle of annoying solutions, I have started on my tower of fabric from the previous post. It amazes me how the same block can look so different, just because the difference in colours:) It is fun, but I can't really indulge in them at the moment. Soon:)
Sorry you're having trouble with the knitting. It sounds very frustrating! But those blocks! Oh so pretty!!!!
I really love the colors and fabric! Ignore the knitting for a few days, and it will get better. I just finished ripping out a finished project to start over... sigh. Perhaps knitting issues are viral at present?
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