How to translate that one... pre-christmas thoughts? For once something sounds more poetic in my own language. Huh - who would have thought.
I realise I haven't been good at blogging lately. The only reason I can give is that life hasn't been very easy lately, and from what little I can predict it doesn't look like that is going to change in the nearest future.
But now it is advent, preparation for Christmas season. I love this time of year, all the lights and the expecctations. Christmas for me is all of December, until after Christmas eve. After that, I am done:)

So I have taken out my advent candles (I will be lighting three candles tomorrow).

My advent star is hanging in the window, 'guiding the way' until Christmas eve.

And my little Christmas tree:) I got this in Singapore a few years ago. The stone in the middle looks beautiful in the candle light.

Today I hung my stars in the windows. When it gets dark before 4 pm, lights are a crucial and lifegiving part of the Christmas season.
This was taken at 3:30 pm - there are few hours of daylight at this time of year. But you can't beat the colours this season brings us.

It is a perfect time for crafts. I am trying out a new one this year. We call it gimping, I think the Americans call it hairpin something?

I am to make four of these and then try to crochete it together. We shall see... I will show you the result, if I am able to make it work.
So the next few weeks will be seeing me finishing a load! of christmas gifts, visiting my aunt and uncle in Sweden again, I hope. They have a new dog! A puppy! And celebrating the season with family. The future will have to worry by itself for a little while. If I can keep the vargs at bay in the middle of the night...:)