Saturday, March 13, 2010

Squares galore

Not sure how many constitute 'galore', but this is how 169 Dear Jane squares look like:
169 means that I have finished all the squares in the DJ!!! Putting them in the right order: Still have some triangles left, but here's a preview of all of my blocks.

I am slightly drunk on accomplishment:) Though, it could be spring messing up my equilibrium, too. Who cares? It feels GOOD!!!


MaureenTakoma said...


They look fabulous! What an accomplishment! You are rightly proud and they are so beautiful. Hopefully the last few triangles will finish themselves quickly.

kahti said...

Yea!!!!! It is simply amazingly wonderful to look at your squares and triangles. You have done a fabulous job. I am so happy and proud for you!!!! xoxox