It goes slowly, but it goes:) Not back to knitting yet, but handsewing seems to go ok. So I have finished my first block of the Civil War Bride quilt. Just 19 to go, pluss the borders.

Can't say I will be lacking in applique work for the foreseeable future. I have started to prep block 2, but I haven't quite decided if I want to do them in order. Or if I want to do the ones with most leaves first. There are MANY leaves in this quilt:)
Beautiful!!! Just gorgeous -- love the colors! I so want to do this quilt someday. My problem is that stitching in little x's is so much easier than all the prep work that's involved with applique. lol! I did do it once upon a time though. Looking forward to seeing more!
You should create it in the order that captures your fancy. It it wonderful.
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