Not sure why I am rushing this. I had a dream that I would be done with this sweater while it was still winter, so that I could actually use it this year. However, the days are very clearly turning into less winter and more spring, so that deadline has probably passed.

At the same time, I need to finish this before I start a new one. Traditions tells me that if I don't finish it, I never will...

Only neck left, so it should not be a big thing. Colour is a little off, it is more reddish and not so blue as the picture is showing.

I have done a little on the hexagon quilt. Still not sure what to name it. It's for a gold anniversary. My aunt and uncle, my substitute parents, have been married for 50 years. Amazing in these days and age. Goldflowers? Hexagon gold? Golden quilt? Ah, it will come to me. Does it really show that the hexagon flowers are put in circles of light and dark? Not sure if it comes through enough. Funny thing is that when I looked at it through the camera, it really stood out. Strange...
I see the circles of light and dark in the quilt just fine. It's going to be a pretty one! What a great present for a 50th anniversary! Love the sweater too! Wish I could knit like that. Gorgeous! You might not get to wear it this winter, but that's ok.
You have been very busy this weekend! I really like the sweater, it is beautiful. The dark and the light of the quilt are lovely. Well done. :)
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