Older, single elephant males would sometimes get incredibly grouchy, for ... obvious... reasons, and the ranger proceeded to tell us that he had once seen such an elephant 'defending' his lake against a tortoise, making himself big and threatening, and sending cascades of water towards the poor animal, telling him in no uncertain terms that the lake was his! What did the tortois do, then? He just kept walking until he got around the elephant and continued into the lake. Size doesn't always matter:)
Never, ever in my whole life did I ever thought I would be close enough to a wild cheetah to hear it purring! Frankly, I did not even knew they did purr. They do, however, and they do it in a way that no other cat animals does: on both in and out breath. Well, according to our ranger, and I guess he would know:)I l ove cats. I can tolerate dogs, those I like, but I have yet to meet a cat I don't like. When we came across this cheetah mother with her two adolescent cubs they had just felled an impala, and the cubs where eating while the mother was on constant watch. She wasn't bothered by us, though. As a big lump of metal we were not considered a danger. Her biggest enemies are lions, so she hunts during the day to stay out of their way.
When she started to eat, that was when I heard it: the purr, the constant purr. We were that close. I don't have a fancy camera with a mile long lens, mine is a three year old digital compact with 3.5x. So this is how close we really was.I wish I could have taped that purr.
Stranger than that, this picture is taken from Robben Island, the prisoner island. Heartbreaking view for the prisoners. This is on top of Table Mountain. A wonderful view. I am, however, afraid of heights.... Fortunately the cable cart only takes five minutes up, and it is quite tolerable if you close your eyes:) This place, however..... brr.... but it does prove I made it up there!
We took in the sunset up there. You get so turned around at that place, north is not where you think it should be. And even if it is over +20C down in the city, it blows a harsh, cold wind up there. Several people had sunset picnicks up there, but we frail Norwegians found it too cold to stay there very long. And to be honest, with the fog coming in we were terrified we would get stuck having to walk down!:)
I have returned from two weeks in South Africa. Two weeks of sunshine, sunshine, sunshine, except from my friends wedding day (more about that later), wonderful sights, safari and wild animals and just plain good times! Just what I needed at this time in my life. It is hard to be back home where it is cold, cold, cold, having to deal with a car that wont start - my immediate problem, and being unemployed - my biggest problem. But I will be able to live a long time on the memories and the pictures. I will be sharing with you all, whether you like it or not:) Soon!