Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Productive Easter

Spent yesterday being the good daughter, doing garden spring work for my mom. It is most likely the last spring they will spend in their apartment. Just heard they are on top of the waiting list for assisted living.

My niece is turning 25 later this month. She wanted a very specific pillow, among others. So i got to experiment:) Turns out freezer paper does work well as templates.

They are so romantic at that age :)

Finished the shell seeker. I had to get creative on the arms.. We shall see how that looks on....

And I tested out a cathedral block pin cushion. Love the button, it says Inspire:)

And since I now have finished most of my crafts, I guess all that is left is painting the bathroom.... Does not sound as fun as knitting.... But needed. Sigh.

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1 comment:

Margaret said...

Very nice! You do so many different kinds of crafts! Painting the bathroom doesn't sound like fun though.