... on my 'making Christmas gifts list', or
... of my energy....
I have had to buckle down and admit to myself that I have been pushing it a little too much this year. I was so sure that my bout of depression was a result of not having a job, and that it would miracously dissappear when I started working again. Hah!
We have an expression in Norway - 'nissen følger med på lasset'. Roughly, when you move, the housegnome follows with, i.e. you are not rid of the problem just because you move, or change jobs or... do other stuff. You have to address the issue, not just the sympthom.
I hate that... sigh. On the other hand, it isn't much fun when you loose the desire to sew, knit, take pictures, find new things to do and so on. So I will not try to overextend myself when it comes to handmade Christmas gifts - people will have to live with bought gifts. I will not work during the Christmas break. And I will take one day at a time. Sooo easy....
Anyway, photos! Yes, finally. I took a day off to go Christmas shopping and ended up driving to the End of the World instead. I climbed and crawled my way over wet rocks as far out as I could go - never been this far out before. It was a miracle I made it out without injuries.

The weather was grey, but heck - light is light. And these days we have few hours of daylight as it is.

I am fascinated by the curves that the waves have created over millions of years. Such soft shapes.

This was as far as it was possible to get without a boat. But I made it:)
This year I am buying my own Christmas gift - a new camera! Getting it soon. As for crafts - nothing to show until after Christmas, since they all watch my blog. Darn....